signature Amazon Mechanical Turk AWS signature (secret access key)
accesskey Amazon Mechanical Turk AWS access key (access key ID)
sandbox If true, put into Mturk sandbox mode. For debugging.
localhost The local HTTP address: so it
matches the ServerName in Apache.
database Database connection string: for example,
geolocation API key from for geolocation services
MTurk Options
--title The title that MTurk workers see
--description The description that MTurk workers see
--duration Time in seconds that a worker has to complete the task
--lifetime Time in seconds that the task is online
--keywords Keywords that MTurk workers can search on
--offline Disable MTurk and use for self annotation only
Compensation Options
--cost The price advertised to MTurk workers
--per-object-bonus A bonus in dollars paid for each object
--completion-bonus A bonus in dollars paid for completing the task
Qualification Options
--min-approved-percent Minimum percent of tasks the worker must have
approved before they can work for you
--min-approved-amount Minimum number of tasks that the worker must
have completed before they can work for you
Video Options
--length The length of each segment for this video in frames
--overlap The overlap between segments in frames
--use-frames When splitting into segments, only the frame intervals
specified in this file. Each line should contain a
start frame, followed by a space, then the stop frame.
Frames outside the intervals in this file will be
--skip If specified, request annotations only every N frames.
--blow-radius When a user marks an annotation, blow away all other
annotations within this many frames. If you want to
allow the user to make fine-grained annotations, set
this number to a small integer, or 0 to disable. By
default, this is 5, which we recommend.
--for-training Specifies that this video is gold standard
--for-training-start Specifies the first frame to use
--for-training-stop Specifies the last frame to use
--for-training-overlap Percent overlap that worker's boxes must match
--for-training-tolerance Percent that annotations must agree temporally
--for-training-mistakes The number of completely wrong annotations
allowed. We recommend setting this to a small,
nonzero integer.
1 Track ID. All rows with the same ID belong to the same path.
2 xmin. The top left x-coordinate of the bounding box.
3 ymin. The top left y-coordinate of the bounding box.
4 xmax. The bottom right x-coordinate of the bounding box.
5 ymax. The bottom right y-coordinate of the bounding box.
6 frame. The frame that this annotation represents.
7 lost. If 1, the annotation is outside of the view screen.
8 occluded. If 1, the annotation is occluded.
9 generated. If 1, the annotation was automatically interpolated.
10 label. The label for this annotation, enclosed in quotation marks.
11+ attributes. Each column after this is an attribute.