

数据类型:图形图像 热度

文件类型: .zip     文件大小:11.03 GB

授权方式: 公共开源     发布时间:2019-01-16

中国交通标志检测数据集(CCTSDB)来源于 A Real-Time Chinese Traffic Sign Detection Algorithm Based on Modified YOLOv2一文提出的训练数据集。

CSUST Chinese Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark 中国交通数据集由长沙理工大学综合交通运输大数据智能处理湖南省重点实验室张建明老师团队制作完成。
到目前为止,已经上传图像15734张,全部的groundtruth也已经上传。 声明:目前的标注数据只有三大类:指示标志、禁止标志、警告标志。
Zhang J, Jin X, Sun J, et al. Spatial and semantic convolutional features for robust visual object tracking. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-018-6562-8
Zhang J, Huang M, Jin X, et al. A Real-Time Chinese Traffic Sign Detection Algorithm Based on Modified YOLOv2. Algorithms, 2017, 10(4):127.
Zhang J, Huang Q, Wu H, et al. Effective traffic signs recognition via kernel PCA network. International Journal of Embedded Systems, 2018, 10(2): 120-125.
如有疑问:欢迎发送邮件: jmzhang@csust.edu.cn, lxd@stu.csust.edu.cn

Traffic sign detection is an important task in traffic sign recognition systems. Chinese traffic signs have their unique features compared with traffic signs of other countries. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved a breakthrough in computer vision tasks and made great success in traffic sign classification. In this paper, we present a Chinese traffic sign detection algorithm based on a deep convolutional network. To achieve real-time Chinese traffic sign detection, we propose an end-to-end convolutional network inspired by YOLOv2. In view of the characteristics of traffic signs, we take the multiple 1 × 1 convolutional layers in intermediate layers of the network and decrease the convolutional layers in top layers to reduce the computational complexity. For effectively detecting small traffic signs, we divide the input images into dense grids to obtain finer feature maps. Moreover, we expand the Chinese traffic sign dataset (CTSD) and improve the marker information, which is available online. All experimental results evaluated according to our expanded CTSD and German Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark (GTSDB) indicate that the proposed method is the faster and more robust. The fastest detection speed achieved was 0.017 s per image.
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